HubSpot continues to develop lots of additional features and functionality into its product line - and this April roundup has a particulary good group of platform updates.
As a HubSpot Gold Partner agency, it's our priority to keep ahead of these updates, to know what's coming down the product pipeline. We also participate in HubSpot beta testing programs, with some reviews going back 6-12 months. So its really satisfying to see HubSpot updates come out with beta program feedback and input.
When these updates are added to our client portals, we make a value assessment for each client, if the implementation is going to be of immediate benefit to their Inbound Marketing Program - we will make the implementation work for the client and we can offer training to make it functional as quickly as possible. Whether it's a new CRM feature, or updated reporting functionality, we're helping our clients to leverage these new HubSpot tools to help grow their business.
Here's a round-up of all the lastest product updates from HubSpot.
Visual workflows are looking really good.
This was announced at INBOUND 16 - HubSpot users could soon create marketing automation campaigns visually. The new visual interface is now standard, making powerful workflows easier to build, edit and review.
New web analytics dashboard giving top of the funnel analytics
Added to every HubSpot dashboard is the new web analytics dashboard option, which brings the most pivotal top-of-funnel metrics into HubSpot, giving you actionable insights into the health of your website in an easy-to-use interface. Now you can get Google Analytics data flowing into your HubSpot portal dashboard, with its powerful metrics like bounce rate by device, new vs. returning visitors, sessions by country, engagement, and more, without leaving your HubSpot portal.
This new feature is very welcome, and will enhance our client reporting making it easier and quicker to have access to this valuable data.
AMPlify blogs with Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
Speed matters. This is a feature we immediately implemented and enabled on all of our client blogs - so we expect to see a mobile performance boost with blog posts loading faster and readers staying enagaged for longer. This has the added bonus in that Google will be giving priority rankings to mobile content that loads faster. A one-second delay in your page loading can result in a 7% loss in conversions, which can force website visitors to look elsewhere for content.
Graymail suppression - Only send emails to engaged contacts.
Sending emails to contacts that are not opening or engaging with your email is referred to as graymail, and this can actually hurt your deliverability over time.
As your Inbound engine runs and your database grows, it's critical to make sure you're keeping the quality of your email lists high.
With this latest update, HubSpot will automatically gather a list of contacts that are not engaged with your emails and let you exclude those contacts in one checkbox.
A visually refreshed form notification email.
The email you receive from HubSpot when a visitor completes a form should be easy to read, and it should match the consistency of all of HubSpot's tools. The new version of the form notification email accomplishes all of these things and provides you with all the information you need up-front.
Improved engagement reporting in HubSpot Sales.
The latest improvements in HubSpot Sales make it easy to track call dispositions and sales content report templates, and with the reporting add-on (extra $), engagement report filters.
This helps to get a better understanding of your reps' productivity, implement a more consistent call-logging process, and identify parts of your process that needs work. One example report you can obtain with the reporting add-on is calls/meetings over time for a specific group of reps.
Opting domains out of auto-creation.
Within the HubSpot CRM, you can enable the auto-creation of companies based on their domain name. When a contact is created, HubSpot looks at the email address, checks to see whether a company already exists for that domain, and creates a new one, if it doesn't find one. However, you may not want a company to be automatically created, especially for ones with broad domains like @gmail, or With this in mind, you can now opt domains out of automatic creation.
Expanded calling options from the HubSpot CRM.
If you're a sales rep, you probably spend your day booking meetings, on calls, and sending emails. So you know seconds matter. That's why we've expanded the options of where you can reach out to contacts within the HubSpot CRM to companies and deals. Navigate to any company or deal record and you'll see an option to call right from there.
If you want to find out more how these updates work - please contact us here at The Brit Agency - we're happy to help.
THE BRIT AGENCY is a B2B Inbound Marketing Agency providing Inbound Marketing, Inbound Website Design and Inbound Sales services to companies around the world. We're focused on growing website traffic, qualified leads and sales, using the Inbound lead generation and marketing automation process.
THE BRIT AGENCY is a certified Gold Tier Hubspot Partner, a HubSpot COS certified Inbound Website Design Agency, a Shopify eCommerce Partner, and a certified "Google Badged Agency Partner". We have offices in Toronto and Barrie, Canada, and Salisbury, UK.