An important component of Inbound Marketing is the process of lead nurturing, encouraging prospects that aren't quite sales ready to begin their journey down your sales funnel to become a sales qualified lead.
We begin by mapping the buyers journey against the types of information prospects need in order to make informed buying decisions. By using drip marketing or lead nurturing campaigns, you can engage with prospects at the right time, give them the right content and nudge them further down the funnel.
These prospects discover just what they need to know and they'll feel better informed and closer to the sale. As such, you must consider the potential routes your leads could take and make sure you fully leverage your lead nurturing campaigns and the marketing automation technology you use.
Here are the 5 most effective tips to use in your lead nurturing campaign.
1. Email Marketing
Email marketing is an absolute requirement to move your prospects along on their discovery journey.
Lead nurturing is a communications strategy that sends a pre-written set of messages to prospects over time. These messages often take the form of email marketing, although other media can also be used. The messages are automated and dripped as a communications series matching a specific behavior, or status of the recipient.
Compare click-through and particularly the conversion rates of your previous email campaigns and, if you find one that worked particularly well then there is no reason you cannot reuse the same email ideas. Just remember to carefully segment your list and change the subject line if you're sending it to the same list again.
2. Offer Landing Pages
When beginning their journey, leads will most often want to take a look around your website. In a lead generation email campaign you are able to direct recipients to a custom landing page. It's therefore a good idea to create a separate landing page for each offer you intend to push.
If you have done this already, you can do some A/B split testing or use your web analytics software to determine the landing page with the best conversion rates, helping you to direct your prospects to the most engaging content.
3. Generic Landing Pages
In addition to special offer landing pages you may well have general pages on your site that do well at encouraging conversions. For example, if your testimonials page, or your case studies page are likely to impress, then these might be sections you want to link through to in your email. Again, it is a case of using your analytics to determine which pages are working best and take full advantage of them.
Here at The Brit Agency we use HubSpot, a complete marketing automation platform, that contains ‘conversion assist’ reporting tools which are excellent at helping to determine which pages are most effective at convincing prospects to make a purchase.
4. Social Media Pages
When researching a purchase, prospects will often include viewing your LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Facebook pages to gain a more rounded and social perspective on your business. Make sure these pages are kept up-to-date and contain on-message content consistently throughout.
You can also provide a huge inbound marketing push and gain a mass of loyal followers simply by including social follow buttons in your email. Furthermore, if you are using a tool such as HubSpot you can integrate social following click-throughs with follow up emails, creating even more touch points along your prospect's sales journey.
5. Closed-loop Analytics
When conducting any lead nurturing campaign, it is essential that you integrate it with closed-loop analytics in order to learn exactly what worked and the journeys that prospects actually took. It allows you to closely track your prospects from first-time visits through to paying customers, showing you the successful journey undertaken as a result of your efforts.
For new campaigns you will have to use information gained elsewhere and do a little bit of guesswork, but with a closed-loop system, you can improve your campaigns significantly every time you run one.
Using closed-loop analytics with the process of continual improvement to examine your campaigns will also tell you what is not working and allow you to optimize all of your marketing automation and lead nurturing efforts.
Are you ready for enhanced integrations in your next lead nurturing campaign? Then get in contact today with The Brit Agency today.
The Brit Agency is an Inbound Marketing Agency providing SEO, Website, Social Media and marketing automation conversion services to small and medium sized businesses. We're focused on generating traffic, leads and sales and we're experts in the Inbound Marketing, lead generation process and how to increase website traffic, leads and website conversion rates. The Brit Agency is a Gold level Hubspot Partner, a certified HootSuite Ambassador agency, and a certified Google Badged Agency Partner.