B2B Inbound Marketing Insights - The Brit Agency

A Beginner's Guide To Using A B2B Sales CRM - Part 3

Written by David Terry | June 16, 2016

This blog is part 3 of our series on CRM’s. You can read Part 1 & Part 2 to get a better understanding of what a CRM is and what benefits they can bring your business though Inbound Sales Engagement.

When it’s all said and done, a CRM system should be useful to its end users: salespeople, sales managers, marketers, and the leadership team. It shouldn’t take a lot of training to be able to use, and it should be intuitive and user-friendly.

CRM systems in general, have a large range of features, but in our opinion, the following 9 nine features are essential for any B2B business that is aiming to organize their sales systems and improve their efficiency using a CRM.

1 | Contact Management

You won’t find a CRM that doesn’t have a contact management capability. If you do, chances are you aren’t looking at a CRM. All CRM systems allow salespeople to create contact records and store prospect and customer information in a database. However, the best systems that truly improve efficiency will reduce and streamline contact data entry as much as possible. You should judge this feature with ease-of-use in mind.

2 | Deal Stages

Most CRM systems can be customized to operate on a specific sales process. Whether your company has three deal stages or 15, you should be able to customize these levels into the software and attach associated values. It should also be easy to move a deal along the sales process, from one stage to the next. In the HubSpot CRM for example, advancing a deal is as simple as dragging and dropping: Make sure the system you're using can be customized to your specific deal stages and needs with ease.

3 | Daily Dashboard

Sales people need visibility into a number of metrics on a daily basis. Metrics such as their progress to date against quota, how many deals they have in their pipelines, and at which stages, and what outstanding tasks they need to complete. Similarly, sales managers and leaders need to be able to view these categories for the aggregated sales team. Evaluate this function based on visual appeal and simplicity.

4 | Task Management

A sales person who has to toggle back and forth between several different systems to view and complete their daily tasks is not a happy person (though this is common). CRM systems that include task management capabilities streamline salespeople’s day-to-day workflow and help them keep on top of their follow up process.

5 | Content Repository

According to Docurated’s State of Sales Productivity 2015 study, salespeople spend 31% of their time hunting for, or creating content. To cut back on wasted time searching for content, look for a CRM system with an embedded content repository. Look for a system that allows salespeople to save their go-to pieces of collateral in one place. And it’s not just collateral. Writing email copy can be another time suck for a busy sales person. Look for a system that also allows the user to file away customized email templates, so the sales rep is not reinventing the wheel with every new outreach.


6 | Automated Data Capture

One of the primary reasons companies decide to adopt a CRM is to keep better track of customer and prospect touches (emails, calls, etc). But, beware: Many CRM applications require salespeople to copy and paste their email outreach into the system or even upload call recordings. These extra steps can be maddening for salespeople who are making 50 or 100 calls every single day, and it leaves room for human error. Look for a software that does this step automatically. HubSpot CRM automatically logs calls made and emails sent, and posts them in a timeline-like view on a contact’s record page:

7 | Reporting

A CRM system is only as good as the insights it provides. Be sure that your CRM provides reporting features that make it easy to export and distribute the trends that the system reveals.

8 | Mobile

Sales reps have seen productivity increased by 15% when they had mobile access to CRM applications. Tying reps to a CRM system that can only be accessed via laptop is bound to annoy them, especially if they’re in a role that requires travel. The majority of CRM systems today allow salespeople to log on to the application from mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones -- make sure the ones you’re considering do as well.

9 | Integration with Marketing Automation

And last but not least, integration between your marketing and sales platform is crucial. After all, the underlying concept of “customer relationship management” is to provide a complete lifecycle view into each prospect and client. A gap between marketing automation and CRM can lead to lost information and lost opportunities.


When you find a CRM with the features you need for your B2B businesses to grow, you will reap the benefits of a more integrated sales & marketing team, and a streamlined communication process with your clients.

In the next and final part of this 4-part blog series, we’re going to be introducing Hubspot’s own free CRM and how to get started with Inbound Sales.


THE BRIT AGENCY is a B2B Inbound Marketing Agency providing Inbound Marketing, Inbound Website Design and Inbound Sales services to companies around the world. We're focused on growing website traffic, qualified leads and sales, using the Inbound lead generation and marketing automation process.

THE BRIT AGENCY is a certified Gold Tier Hubspot Partner, a HubSpot COS certified Inbound Website Design Agency, a Shopify eCommerce Partner, and a certified "Google Badged Agency Partner". We have offices in Toronto and Barrie, Canada, and Salisbury, UK.